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The Students

Students come from a variety of nationalities though at present the majority are Nigerian nationals. Other nationalities represented in the school include American, Botswanan, British, Cameroonian, French, Gambian, Indian, Italian, Kenyan, Pakistani, South African and Venezuelan. The school encourages students to appreciate the national and cultural diversity we have, where students of all nationalities associate freely and amicably together.

Within the school we also have a variety of religious beliefs represented, with the two main groups being Christian and Islamic. Whatever their belief students work and play together in harmony as one group, and learn to accommodate and appreciate the different religious groups we have. The school makes provision for the needs of various groups.
All students are encouraged to take an active part in the life of the school, participating in sporting, cultural and national events. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions, and to behave in a mature and sensible way at all times, both on the school site, and outside the school.

The Regent Secondary School aims to inspire its students:

  • To discover and realise their full academic, sporting, artistic and personal potential
  • To aim for and reach, on leaving, places in higher education or employment which will stretch and fulfill them to the utmost.
  • To become well rounded young men and women who enjoy life and contribute to the lives of others
  • To become leaders, learning how to think for themselves, cooperate, solve problems, make decisions and communicate effectively
  • To reflect and act on the spiritual and moral dimensions of life in making a contribution to the world
  • To respect others, to be open-minded, tolerant, principled and honest.