Frequently asked questions



What is The Regent School known for?

The Regent School is primarily known for its academic excellence; a well resourced British style co-educational school located in Abuja, Nigeria that produces the best International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) results in Nigeria that is moderated by the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE). We believe in achieving "excellence in everything we do" and some refer to it as "The Regent Way" of doing things. Our track record safely puts us in the bracket of the best schools in Nigeria.

How old is the school?

The Regent School is about 23 years old.

What makes The Regent School stand out among other schools?

The Regent School reflects global citizenship as the foremost British Curriculum international school in Abuja with a strong academic base and excellent facilities. We aspire to become the best international school in Nigeria and then to rank amongst the top international schools across the globe. In June 2017, we were fully accredited for the first time under the UK Government’s standards for British Schools Overseas (BSO). The school surpassed a significant number of the standards being met at an Outstanding level. We are the first school in Abuja to be accredited under BSO and the fourth in the whole of Nigeria.

What are the children benefiting?

The Regent School offers an excellent bridge to colleges and universities in every continent of the world. Our processes recognise and employ the 2016 World Economic Forum’s Top 10 Skills required for the workplace of 2020 and going forward in our curricular and co-curricular programs.

We emphasise matching advancing technologies, global thoughts on leadership as well as group dynamics in experiential and thought-provoking activities that challenge our students beyond their comfort zones along with the dispense of the academic curricula of their college programmes as we prepare them for the world.

We provide outstanding opportunities that develop every aspect of our student's interests and abilities. We aim to develop a lifelong love of learning and to encourage every child to discover and nurture their passions. 


Do I need an appointment to visit the school?

No, if for admission purposes. However, for other purposes, it is strictly by appointment.

When should I submit an application for admission?

We receive applications at any time of the year. However, admissions is based on your child’s ability to meet up with our promotion criteria.

Is there a policy for offering admissions to siblings of students in school?

Is there a policy for offering admissions to siblings of students in school?

If my child or I hold a British passport, will we be automatically guaranteed admission?

No. Each child must register, sit for and pass our entrance examinations to be granted admission.

How should my child's confidential recommendations be submitted?

It should be sent to the following email addresses: [email protected] or [email protected]

What are the next steps once the application is submitted?

The next step is to contact the Registrar or Admissions Officer to schedule the entrance examination.

What is the age criterion for admissions?

Students seeking admission into the following Year Group at the start of a school year in September must reach the required age by 31 August in that same year. The required age is:

  • Year 7 – 11 years old
  • Year 8 – 12 years old
  • Year 9 – 13 years old
  • Year 10 – 14 years old


Children who do not meet the age entry requirements will not be permitted to sit the entrance examination.

The school will not normally accept admissions into Years 11, except in special circumstances, and at the Principal’s discretion.

How will I pay the application fees?

Payment for the application fee can be made online via the account details provided on the application portal. Application forms cost fifty thousand naira (N50,000) only and the application form will only be sold to parents whose child meets the age requirement. The school reserves the right to decline admission to Parents whose child does not meet all the requirements for admissions.

Is the registration fee refundable?

No, the application fee is not refundable.

We are coming from a non-English speaking country and are concerned about the transition. Do you have a buddy system for new students?

Yes, we have a buddy system but we expect children coming from non-English speaking countries to have the pre-requisite knowledge of English in order to be admitted into the school in the first instance.

Health and Safety

What is the stand on bullying?

We have zero tolerance for bullying and have mechanisms in place through the instrumentality of school policies and procedures to mitigate it. If it eventually occurs, we have appropriate sanctions for erring students which might include internal suspensions, external suspensions and even expulsions depending on the severity of the offence.

What measures do you have for health issues?

There are three qualified nurses stationed in the school sickbay during the day. Each hostel also has a qualified nurse. Any student that feels unwell can request to see the nurse. More detailed information is provided in the school’s medical policy.

Curriculum & Co-curriculum

What extracurricular activities are available to students and when and how often do these activities take place?

We run a range of very vibrant extracurricular activities at The Regent School with several activities on offer from Tuesdays to Saturdays and occasionally have some activities on Mondays. The After School Activities (ASAs) and clubs include Android App Development, Coding, Beginner’s Russian Language and Culture, Chess, Creative Writing, Duke of Edinburgh Award for Young People (Bronze & Silver categories), School Production, Creative Zone, Emotional Intelligence, Etiquette, Geoscape, National Geographic Club, Microsoft Office, Model United Nations Club, Science Club, Sports Analysis, Wearable Art Gala, Website Design, Cookery, First Aid Club, Football Club, Scout, Karate, amongst others. We also stage world-class drama productions. Our pupils in Early Years and Key Stages 2 and 3 offer clubs such as Techno Club, Creative Computer Club, Maths Magicians Club, Cheerleading, Swimming Club, Young Reader Club, Rising Readers, Etiquette Club, Spelling Bee, Travelers Club, Coding, amongst others.

The Regent School also offers boosters and interventions to support students academically in cases where they come short of expectations in their academic work. 

Are there regular community-building events and activities and what opportunities are there for parents to get involved?

Yes, we have our Coffee Morning Meetings where parents meet with the Heads of Schools, Senior Leadership Team and staff at least twice a term. We also have our Parent-Teacher Conferences where parents can meet with staff members to discuss the academic and pastoral progress of their children. There is a Meet and Greet event for all parents at the beginning of each academic year to welcome new parents into The Regent Family and get to know them better. Most times, The Friends of Regent,(Parent Support Team) FoR as they are fondly called meet regularly to initiate and carry out community-building events such as The Regent School Fun Fair, Fun Day, Armed Forces Remembrance Day, community projects around the city and suburbs; and some are also anchored by students or clubs in the school like the Recycle Club.

The Regent School is known for its many cultural events that parents are involved in various capacities; For example, National Day, Armed Forces Remembrance Day, Global Village, Theme Nights and Boarding events, Sports Day and other Sporting Events to mention a few.

What type of curriculum does The Regent School offer

The Regent School follows the National Curriculum for England and Wales and students sit the Cambridge International Examination Board, International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations in Year 11. 

What has been the performance of your students the IGCSE exams? Which awards have you received in relation to this?

The Regent Secondary School has consistently made the best results in Nigeria amongst schools running the British Curriculum in the last 4 years and counting. Two of our students made the best overall result across 8 Subjects in 2018 and 2019 and two of them made the best IGCSE in the world result in 2 subjects in 2019.

Just to mention a few of the achievements of our students so far in the IGCSEs:

  •       15 Cambridge Assessment International Awards (2019)
  •       Top in Nigeria in 11 Subjects (2019)
  •       Total of number of A* and A grades achieved was 57.4% (2020)
  •       Nine of our students achieved A* and A grades in all subjects (2020)
  •       Our students who achieved A* to C grades in all subjects written was 98.3% (2020)
  •       Our students who achieved A* to C grades in 5 or more subjects was 98.4% (2020) 
How has The Regent School adapted technology in the classroom in recent times?

The use of technology at The Regent School is given a very high priority and as such is invaluable to teaching and learning.  We are a Microsoft Academy.  All teachers on the minimum either hold or are studying towards the Google Education Level 1 exam.  Most of our teachers are now Google for Education Level 1 certified. All our administrative staff have also achieved different certifications in the use of technology.

In recent times, we have recorded remarkable progress with the use of technology with an upgrade to our IT infrastructure. Lessons are offered both online and physically (blended learning), allowing students to attend from home and in school.

Hostel and Accomodation

How many students share a room in the boarding house?

Four students in the same year group share a room in the boarding house.

What measures of discipline are put in place at Regent Secondary School?

All infringements of the school’s ‘Code of Conduct’ or general classroom expectations are not tolerated. Teachers will issue break detentions as a punitive /corrective measure. Any after-school detention will be preceded by at least a 24-hour notification, sent out to the pupil’s parent. A prominent aspect of our sanctions policy is the issuing of demerits known as Red Spots.

Teaching and Learning

Do you have expatriate teachers working in the school?

Yes, we have expatriate teachers/staff.

How many students are in each classroom?

The maximum class size for each class is 25 students.

What is the student-teacher ratio in the school?


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