A warm welcome to the Boarding Houses of The Regent Secondary School. This information is designed to give you an idea of what to expect while boarding at The Regent Secondary School.

In our diverse and ever changing world, our Boarding strives to provide a secure and stable home for students from a multitude of cultures. Our Boarding community is a vibrant and happy one, in which the sense of belonging to a wider family is very important. Boarding students learn to live, work and play in a community environment, encouraging their growth as mature and responsible citizens of the world. We promote and exemplify the general philosophy and aims of The Regent Secondary School through its study, activity and leisure programmes. In doing so, The Regent Secondary School Boarding operates within the mission statement of the school.

Mission: We seek to be a school that:

  • Promotes the schools values of Respect, Responsibility and Resourcefulness amongst all members;
  • Provides a high standard of teaching and learning in a stimulating educational environment, meeting the highest standards;
  • Is vibrant and challenging, and enlightens all members of the school community;
  • Encourages and motivates each student to develop intellectual, artistic, sporting, spiritual and social faculties;
  • Promotes an interest in, awareness of, and appreciation of cultural diversity
  • Encourages students to use initiative and to not be afraid of making mistakes;
  • Values each member of the school community, providing a safe and caring environment which promotes positive interaction between all members.


Accommodation in all our boarding houses is shared rooms for students’ Years 7 to 11. The rooms and surroundings are appropriately lit and ventilated. Boarders who have restricted mobility are accommodated on the ground floor. Toilet and bathrooms provide appropriate privacy for boarders. Each one has a door and lock. Boarders are separated according to their genders and age groups.

Each room contains either 5, 4 or 2 beds, a desk and chair each, shelving and storage for clothing. Beds, mattresses and pillows are provided. To add a touch of home, we ask that your child bring their own duvet and covers, sheets pillow cases and towels. Bedding is washed regularly.

All Boarding Houses have 2 common rooms where students can relax and watch local and international television stations. House Parents ensure that boarders watch programmes that are age appropriate. We also have a basketball court, tennis court, football field, badminton court, table tennis room.


All meals for Boarding students are served in the school Dining Hall. Meal times are posted and strictly adhered to. It is compulsory for students to attend all meals. All food must be consumed in the Dining Hall. Boarders with special dietary, medical or religious needs are catered for. Meals are adequate in nutrition, quantity, quality, choice and variety. It is compulsory for all Boarders to observe proper dining etiquette when in the dining hall.

All meals are prepared and served under strict hygienic conditions. There are dedicated cleaners who see to it that the highest standards of hygiene are kept at all times.

Main meals are served in the dining hall but boarders also have access to a storage room where food is kept in sealed containers and clearly labelled. There are water dispensers in all hostels


During the week teaching time ends at 4 p.m. and boarders can return to their houses to relax. At this time, they also have the opportunity of taking part in a list of co-curricular activities which are offered in the school. Some of the activities include; Drama, School Production, Music, Tennis, Badminton, Football, Karate. Choir, Rugby, Netball, Scrabble, Guitar, Dance and Cookery clubs. We also offer after-school academic support in all subjects from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

On weekends, wake up time is 7 a.m. and breakfast is served at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday. Many activities and trips to places of interest are arranged and they may choose to go on these. On Fridays and Sundays, religious services are arranged in the school for Muslim and Christians respectively. Attendance is obligatory.


Laundry is done regularly for boarders. Bedding is laundered once a week. Private laundry facilities are also available for those who need them. All laundry is done on the school premises, and stored in cubbyhole for each boarder. It is essential that all clothing is clearly named so that the owners of lost items can be quickly identified. Unlabelled clothing will not be laundered.


Within each house, there is a Matron (qualified nurse) who is the first point of contact for a student who is unwell. If it is a minor case, then she will deal with it and care for the student. Each house (male and female) has a well-equipped Sick Room.

For cases which require greater care, the school has a trained nurse on site, with a fully equipped sickbay. If boarders need to be observed, they are kept in the sick bay. For serious cases which the School Nurse is unable to handle, students are transported to the Zankli Hospital in Abuja. Generally, parents will not be informed of every minor scratch or ailment your son or daughter gets, but if they are in sickbay, seen by a doctor or taken to hospital for any reason, you will be informed immediately.


We have a policy of zero tolerance with bullying the following policies have been put in place to ensure bullying is completely eradicated from the system.

No student in the school, either day or boarding, is permitted by their actions to either inflict physical or mental abuse on any boarder or cause others to inflict such harm.
Any physical action and mental harassment which include hurtful name calling will be categorised as bullying
Students who indulge in such acts will receive a warning the first time, and parents will be informed that this has taken place. Please note that serious cases could lead to an immediate suspension or expulsion.
A subsequent occurrence will result in the expulsion of the student.
We hope this information has given you a picture of life in Boarding, and what expectations you can have. For further enquiries, please contact us and we would be happy to respond to your enquiries. We look forward to welcoming your child in Boarding at The Regent Secondary School.